Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Quick relief solutions for yeast infection

The causes can be pinpointed to a number of factors. These factors can be
triggered by various elements and stimuli. That would be a good definition of how one gets yeast infections.
To some, however, the origins of the condition do not matter or concerns them very little. Most people  are more focused on finding ways to treat this uncomfortable condition. They want quick relief solutions for their yeast infection which is quite understandable since the infection can bring some very uncomfortable conditions. who have the infection usually suffer a great deal of itching, redness, and irritation. The use of medicines, whether commercially available,  home made or alternative medications are pretty much sought after by women who suffer with the infection. There are still a number of techniques that you can use to have immediate relief from the discomfort.

1. Yogurt

One of the more simple and easy techniques that you can use is the application of yogurt. Yes yogurt. Yogurt can be applied on the affected areas to achieve a soothing and cooling effect. Why yogurt? Yogurt contains friendly bacteria which helps control the population of the yeast microorganism in the affected areas. However, please note that the yogurt to be used should not be sweetened nor should it be heated. Yogurt is more effective if it is left on the affected area for at least 60 minutes after application. Just let the microorganism work and balance out each other before rinsing the yogurt.

2. Healthy diet

This may not be an immediate solution, but maintaining a good diet would be a good way to treat a yeast infection. Poor diet can easily aggravate a situation like the overgrowth of yeast. The increase acidity in the digestive track as well as high acidity levels in the blood can create an environment favorable to the overgrowth of yeast in the body. You should understand that yeast is normally present in our body. It is their overgrowth which creates the infection.

3. Vinegar

Another quick relief solution would be that use of vinegar on the affected area. One of the most effective would be apple cider vinegar solution which is applied to the yeast infected areas. Others mix the vinegar in a warm water bath and spend a couple of minutes bathing in the solution. Applying cider vinegar is great to balance out the levels of acid and alkaline in the body. It flushes out the excess acid.

4. Garlic

Another organic material that could offer some immediate relief is garlic. The
antiseptic properties inherent in garlic help eliminate bacteria and fungi so it’s perfect for yeast. Also be aware that the yeast infection is not limited to the private areas. The mouth is also a prime place where an overgrowth of yeast can occur.

Now, do understand that the various techniques mentioned are ideal for infections that can be considered less serious and mild. For conditions that are more severe, a combination of various treatment techniques would be a more effective method of curing the disease. Your doctor will most likely prescribe a combination of treatments to effectively curb the grown of yeast in our body.

The best option would be to undergo a full treatment procedure. But at the same time, applying some quick relief solutions for yeast infection to, at least, get immediate reprieve from the itchiness and irritation.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Look Out! Ten Symptomes That You Might Have Yeast Infection

A yeast infection, also called Candidiasis in scientific circles, is best known for

causing a white or whitish discharge as well as a great discomfort for sufferers. If left undiagnosed, this may bring about serious diseases which not only heighten and weakens a person's immune system, but may even be life-threatening in the long run.

Be on the lookout for these ten symptoms indicating that you might have a yeast infection. For more on yeast infection symptoms you can also have a look at: What Are The Symptoms Of Yeast Infection?

First, there are five general symptoms which will almost always come together no matter which kind of Candidiasis a person may be afflicted with.

1. The affected body part itches severely.

Yeast infections will actually prefer to grown in locations where scratching would be next to impossible, such as the mouth or the vagina. Human skin affected by yeast infection will have red rashes, which may be more pronounced in skin patches with hair growing on them.

2. On one hand, the body part feels like it burns, or is sore to the touch.

This may not necessarily cause blisters or include itchiness. On the other hand, the body part can feel tingly or numb. This lack of sensation does not mean that the part is safe from yeast infection.

3. Sensitivity to certain chemicals is heightened. 
Triggers include antibiotic formulas, sugar, refined carbohydrates (also known as most processed food), and of course, yeast.

4. Mental and physical coordination are also affected. 
Sufferers cannot balance themselves or move the way they want. They cannot focus on tasks, and become lazy through no fault of their own. Mood swings and heightened negative emotions are other indicators.

5.There is a discharge

For genitalia and the digestive system, there is a white or whitish mucous discharge. In the mouth, there are white or whitish patches. Both the discharge and the patches have the consistency and smell of bread or a light cheese, though the smell can also be associated with beer.
There are also symptoms specific to the body parts affected by Candidiasis, five of which are discussed below:

6. In gastrointestinal Candidiasis, the digestive system is upset. 
The stomach in particular either bloats with constipation, or it acts up due to diarrhea or abdominal cramps (or, at times, both). Bowel movement is not spared either, because yeast infection causes the irritable bowel syndrome.

7. Women are the primary victims of genitourinary Candidiasis. 
But keep in mind that men are also susceptible, and not just through sexual intercourse. Speaking of which, intercourse is painful and urination becomes more urgent for sufferers of yeast infection. Ladies may have unusual menstrual cramps while gentlemen may have prostatitis.

8. Oral Candidiasis causes dryness inside the mouth. 
The tongue cracks while the gums bleed. Fissures appear at the corners of the
mouth. Swallowing becomes difficult.

9.Respiratory problems

In respiratory Candidiasis, persistent coughing, wheezing, or shortness of breath can manifest. Another indicator is when the chest constantly tightens or is in pain.

10. Candidiasis causes eye infections

Chronic inflammation and irritation of the eye and the conjunctivae (the mucousthat covers the white area of the eye). The retina (the nerve-ended part which captures images for the brain) may defend itself against yeast infection by collecting pus inside an inflamed tissue pocket. This may permanently damage the sufferer’s eyesight.

One last note of caution: despite the fact that you can name ten signs you might have yeast infection, you may actually suffer no symptoms at all. Or you may bear symptoms similar to those of other sicknesses. If you feel like something is wrong but cannot put a finger on it, be sure to consult a doctor.