Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Yeast Symptoms - Get To Know The Symptoms Of A Yeast Infection

If you are inquiring about Yeast Symptoms, you are probably wondering: "what are the symptoms of
yeast infection?" You will be surprised to know that this is not a question that can be answered that easily. First of all there are the well know and obvious symptoms of yeast infections that most of us know. There are, however, many other symptoms that may not be that obvious. It is possible that you may have a chronic yeast infection without even realizing that your symptoms are the result of a yeast infection.

What are the well know Yeast Symptoms?
  • Itching and burning that drives you up the wall
  • Vaginal discharge (it has a paper mash or cottage cheese appearance)
  • Some times there may even be vaginal odor
  • Pain during urinating as the urine burns the affected skin
  • Pain during sex or even sexual dysfunction
Then there are the lesser know symptoms of yeast infection as well as signs of a probable yeast infection:

1. Courses of antibiotics for your problems did not help or even made things worse
2. A general "lousy" feeling even after several treatments
3. The cause of the rotten feeling can not be determined
4. A craving for sugar containing foods such as sweets
5. A craving for refined carbohydrates
6. A subconscious preference, or even a craving, for food with yeast, such as bread, beer, wine and certain cheeses
7. Weight gain because of cravings
8. Even though tests did not confirm hypoglycemia, you still suspects low blood sugar with the symptoms such as:
  • Fatigue
  • Sudden hunger
  • Weakness
  • Trembling
  • Lethargy
  • A drowsy mental state
  • Headaches
  • Cold sweats
  • Dizziness
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Numbness
  • Irritability
  • Hostility
  • Blurred vision
9. Premenstrual tension
10. You are troubled by abdominal pains

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Yeast Infection And Pregnancy - Reduce Your Chance Of Getting A Yeast Infection During Pregnancy

What is the link between yeast infection and pregnancy? Increased levels of estrogen during pregnancy can do more than make you moody… it can heighten your chances of getting a vaginal yeast infection.      
Vaginal Candidiasis is one of the more than 200 varieties of Candida fungi that lives throughout our bodies. Candida yeast generally exists quietly in our bodies until something - either an internal or external stimuli - throws off our delicate chemical balance.

Pregnancy does just that. Here you have the link between Yeast Infection And Pregnancy.

The rising level of estrogen during pregnancy encourages the growth of Glycogen - a type of sugar - in the vagina. Yeast loves sugar, thus, it thrives and multiplies, causing considerable discomfort, and some level of concern for expectant mothers.                            

Can My Yeast Infection Harm My Baby?                                  Easy to buy from Amazon

Medical experts agree that if you have a yeast infection during your pregnancy, there is no risk of harm to your baby. However, if you deliver your baby vaginally while you’re in the midst of a yeast infection, there is a chance that your baby will get Oral Thrush or a yeast infection in the mouth.

Oral thrush can reveal itself in white patches on the side of the mouth and tongue. It is not dangerous, and is easily treatable. It’s possible for newborns to get Oral Thrush even if the mother does not have a yeast infection.

Reduce Your Risk Of A Vaginal Yeast Infection

Yeast thrives in dark, moist areas, and with estrogen throwing in its two cents worth it may be difficult to entirely avoid getting a yeast infection. However, here are a few common sense steps that may help…

  • Think “breathable”, “natural fibers” - it’s important to keep your genital and perineum area as dry as possible, by wearing loose fitting cotton (or other natural fiber) clothing and underwear. Avoid nylon underwear, pantyhose, and tight fitting thongs and jeans.
  • Avoid scented and perfumed products such as soaps, bubble baths, perfumes, or hygiene sprays.
  • Never douche, as it can throw off the Ph balance of the vagina.

How to treat your Yeast Infection:

The best way to treat your Yeast Infection is to take the holistic approach. Diet, hygiene and taking something to restore the flora in your system.