Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Yeast Infection Pregnancy Treatment

Does a Yeast Infection During Pregnancy Require Special Treatment?

When you are pregnant the question "what about Yeast Infection Pregnancy Treatment?" may become a very important question to you. 

Women are at an increased risk of getting a yeast infection during the second trimester of their pregnancy. 

The itchy, yucky discomfort can be blamed on an increased level of estrogen. If you’re pregnant and you suspect that you have a yeast infection, you may be wondering what your treatment options are.   

A vaginal yeast infection is caused by the Candida fungi, a kind of yeast. Yeast resides throughout our bodies, in a generally benign state, unless disrupted by internal or external upsets. When these factors are present a Candida overgrowth is the result, with all the unpleasant symptoms.

But, before answering the question "what about Yeast Infection Pregnancy Treatment," it is a good

idea to know the symptoms of yeast infection especially yeast during pregnancy. If in any doubt at all, please consult your physician. 

How Do You Know When You Have A Vaginal Yeast Infection?

Pregnancy is known to upset our delicate chemical balance, and as such, can result in a yeast infection. There are reportedly many variations, but general symptoms include…
Redness, itching, burning, and soreness through the vaginal area;
  • Painful intercourse and burning during urination;
  • A thick, profuse discharge - has a curd-like appearance, but not always;
  • Odor is generally not a problem, though some women complain of a “yeasty” smell.
That said, not all itchy, yucky stuff can be called a yeast infection. The symptoms of a yeast infection closely resemble that of something called Bacterial Vaginosis ~ the most common of vaginal issues, beating out yeast infections.

What To Do If You Suspect You Have A Yeast Infection? In Other Words What About Yeast Infection Pregnancy Treatment?

If you have some yucky stuff going on… play it safe and don’t just assume you have a yeast infection - especially if you’re pregnant. Visit your physician to determine if what you have is actually a yeast infection, Bacterial Vaginosis, or possibly a sexually transmitted disease.

It’s important to get an accurate diagnosis and proper treatment. While a yeast infection, occurring during your pregnancy will not harm your baby - Bacterial Vaginosis has been blamed for causing premature births, infection of the amniotic fluid, and infecting the uterus following delivery.
Bacterial Vaginosis is impervious to the over-the-counter yeast infection treatments we often reach for, and in fact, may aggravate the situation more. 
Once your doctor makes his or her diagnosis, they will prescribe an anti-fungal medication that can provide safe treatment of your yeast infection during pregnancy.

Once you have confirmed a yeast infection, it is a very good idea to think about a holistic approach to treating your yeast infection. As with almost everything, a healthy balanced diet is a good place to start. You do have to cut down on food made with yeast, except yogurt of course, yeast also grows on sugar so cutting down on sugar is also a good idea.

Photo from: 

By Stuart Miles, Stock Photo - image ID: 10044684

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

3 Homeopathic Treatment For Yeast Infection on Skin

Many people suffer from yeast infections on various parts of their body. The
problem is getting rid of that itchy, smelly, nasty looking infection. Here are 3 homeopathic treatment for yeast infection on skin.
The first homeopathic treatment for yeast infection on skin is to use hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide turns to oxygen when it is exposed to light, that's why it comes in that dark bottle. Yeast infection doesn't do well with excess oxygen. This is why this cure works so well.
The second homeopathic treatment for yeast infection on skin is to use garlic. Boil 3 cloves of garlic in 2 quarts of water. After the cloves have boiled for a minute or two, allow the mixture to simmer. Mix this with 2 tablespoons of epsom salt. Apply this mixture to your yeast infection until the infection has gone away.
The final cure is to use tea tree oil. Start by diluting the oil with water slightly. Apply this solution to the infected area 3 - 4 times a day for as many days as necessary. Though this method isn't tested in the medical world, it is one of the most talked about and used solutions as a homeopathic treatment for yeast infection on skin.
These are just a few of the best solutions for a yeast infection and can be used for any part of the body. It may need to be adjusted slightly for different parts of the body. If you find that the problem persists, you may wish to seek medical attention or seek other solutions. The first place to start is your diet which is what feeds the fungus that creates yeast infections

For more on Yeast Infection you can go to: External YeastInfection - Get Some Help

Monday, August 11, 2014

Signs And Symptoms Of A Yeast Infection – Know Them

The signs and symptoms of a yeast infection are more than many of us may think about. The infection
is caused by an overgrowth of the Candida fungus that lives in our bodies. Yes, we all have it, only when it is controlled you do not get ill from it. So, this will explain why you sometimes have symptoms that you do not even know that they are from a fungus infection.

When you are thinking about the signs and symptoms of a yeast infection there are the well known symptoms that we all know about and then there are the lesser known ones. What makes it even worse is that, the unknown symptoms may be the most important ones.

Did you know, for instance, that an abnormal amount of “gas” is a symptom? What makes it even worse is, this same “gas” spreads the Candida infection even further through your underwear, pyjamas and bedding! This goes to show that knowing the lesser known symptoms is very important.

1. Here are the well known signs and symptoms of a yeast infection:
  • I think we all know the burning and the itching
  • The papery or cottage cheese like discharge
  • Even the “old cheese” smell
2. The lesser know ones:
  • OK, so I have already mentioned the “gas”
  • Then there is the fatigue
  • The general “ill” feeling
  • Memory loss
  • Abdominal pain
… To mention but a few!

This goes to show that it is very important to know all the signs and symptoms of a yeast infection. You can get pretty ill from it and it can become a systemic fungus infection (an overgrowth in your whole system) and the longer you leave it, the worse it will get. Know the symptoms and treat it holistically, that is the best way to handle a Candida Infection.